Slow Down to 25 mph

Slow Down to 25 mph

Some of the nicest things about our neighborhood are not only our neighbors, but the large lot sizes, beautiful trees and yards. With school out, its so much fun to be out jogging, walking and riding bikes, taking advantage of our gorgeous surroundings. You may have noticed that many neighbors are enjoying these activities with their children and dogs.

Please be careful with your speed when driving in and out of the neighborhood. Remember its 25 mph. Please do your part to keep everyone safe!

4th of July Celebration

Join us for our Fourth of July Celebration!

Monday, July 4th at 6pm

At the Tonkawa Springs Commons

Wear your best red, white, and blue and help celebrate Independence Day with your neighbors.

The Tonkawa Springs Social Committee will provide snacks and drinks and some yard games.

Bring the whole family!

TSHOA 2021 Homeowners Directory

The TSHOA 2021 Homeowners Directory is available. Volunteers are working to deliver a copy to each homeowner. The directory is provided every two years. Additional copies were made to ensure any new residents moving in will be provided a copy by the social committee. If you have not received your copy of the directory by Monday, December 21, 2021, please contact the TSHOA Board to let them know. Thank You!

Central Texas Refuse Renewal

Please be sure to review the flyer as a reminder for what is NOT trash and what items can and cannot be recycled. Effective January 1, 2022, the base rate per Residential Unit per quarter will be $ 69. Also as part of the normal residential service, Central Texas Refuse will provide curbside bulky item or “white good” collection service to residential units twice annually. This will be scheduled by the TSHOA Board each year based on dates of availability with Central Texas Refuse.

“White Goods” are further described as follows:

Appliances: Stoves, water tanks, washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, air conditioners, sinks, toilets, and like items. Bathtubs, shower stalls, and like items are NOT included and will not be picked up. Refrigerators and air conditioners must have their Freon removed by a certified technician and be tagged. Units that are not certified will have a charge of $ 25.00 per unit and be billed directly to the resident.

Furniture: Couches, beds, mattresses, love seats, tables, lamps, etc. NO TVs!!

Review Proposed Deed Restrictions

As discussed in our Annual Members Meeting on October 26th, we are asking neighbors to review the proposed deed restrictions that would be an update to our 40+ year old current restrictions. In 2021, our deed restrictions committee has worked to combine all 4 sections into one consistent document with the feedback from more than 20 neighbors thus far.

In order to update our current restrictions, it will take at least 51% of each section voting to approve. Thus, we need your help!

Please review. Let us know what works, what does NOT work, and any concerns you may have. We need to hear from you! We need to know if you would vote for these, or if there are reasons you would vote no. If we do not know what the membership is thinking, then we cannot address. Please take the time to review and provide feedback so that the best set of proposed deed restrictions can be submitted for membership to vote on at a later date.

Submit comments to The Deed Restriction Committee will review each and every comment so that proposed document can be finalized.

Deadline for comments is Friday, November 17th.

Community Feedback 2021

Hello Neighbors! The TSHOA Board would like to hear from you. As we continue to address the needs of our community it is great to get feedback on items that are important to our members. The feedback can help drive decisions for the future. The questions on this survey are based on member feedback over the past few years, the need for volunteers, and the additional work required from our volunteers due to Texas Property Code laws regarding HOAs. Thank You for your time and feedback!

September 7, 2021 at 7pm Board Meeting

On September 7th at 7:00 PM, the TSHOA Board will meet using Zoom. As a reminder, only members or their legal designee may attend board meetings. Please do not share this information with anyone outside of TSHOA. Participants will be asked to identify to ensure only members attend.

Topic: TSHOA Board Meeting
Time: Sep 7, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 6469 5812
Passcode: Tonkawa

One tap mobile
+13462487799,,89764695812#,,,,*2311549# US (Houston)
+12532158782,,89764695812#,,,,*2311549# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Passcode: 2311549

Attention: Review Wyoming Springs Extension Project

The City of Round Rock hosted another Open House on June 22nd to share updated schematic plans for the planned extension for Wyoming Springs Dr from Creek Bend Blvd to Sam Bass Rd. This project will extend Wyoming Springs Dr and impact many of our neighbors.

Please review all of the maps and information provided in the link below. City of Round Rock needs to hear from all surrounding areas that will be affected. Please provide comments and feedback prior to July 13th to the Project Manager, Dawn Scheel, at # 512-218-6603 or via email Please feel free to share this information with other surrounding areas that may be impacted.

Some of the feedback and concerns to consider given the proximity to many of our Tonkawa Springs’ homes are requiring a lower speed limit, limited access points, protecting the water quality as well as the long term impact of a road on top of a sensitive water feature on the Edwards Aquifer.

For more information please visit the project website at:

Additional Information for Consideration:

Sound Abatement, Continuous fence to prevent people on the walkway from entering the adjoining backyards – There is currently NO plan for a sound abatement fence for the adjoining properties from Tonkawa Springs. The residents in Saul’s Ranch and Fern Buff are included in the plan for sound abatement. At current time, City of RR states too many trees would need to be taken down. Tree preservation is a must but it is concerning that City of RR has offered no alternative plans if sound is an issue as well as private property being entered as a result of no fencing from project.

Water quality safety – Has City of RR looked into expanding the bridge over the Dry Fork? It would lessen drilling into the recharge feature where a large portion of the water from Krienke Springs already flows via the cracks in the rock bed beneath the water into the Edwards Aquifer.  If there is contamination from the roadway run off then there is a strong probability that the people with private wells and including the Round Rock well will become contaminated. What assurances has City of Round Rock provided for water quality and in how the bridge will be constructed?

Speed Limit on New Extension – The City of Round Rock mentioned 45mph for this extension. Both Fern Bluff and Behrens Ranch residents are requesting a much lower speed limit due to the 80 foot bridge span and the significant 3.85% slope grade. Many residents feel with a bridge and slope of that nature this area should account for the street traffic light, residential areas, and offer a much lower speed limit.

For more information please visit the project website at: