Deed Restrictions Update September 16, 2022

Deed Restrictions Update September 16, 2022

In response to questions from some homeowners regarding Paragraph 26 of the proposed, Amended, Restated and Consolidated Property Restrictions and Reservations (a.k.a Deed Restrictions), the TSHOA Board would like to clarify the following. 

The Board’s proposed role in managing the common area pond would be different from the role the Board proposes with respect to managing shared ponds.  With respect to the common area pond, the Board expects that the HOA’s role could include the allocation of funds (as approved by Members) to help maintain the health and appearance of that pond.  

With respect to shared ponds – ponds around which several homes are built and whose residents share the pond – the Board’s role would be primarily limited to reviewing proposed actions and activities to ensure that one resident’s actions do not unduly affect the other residents’ use and enjoyment of the pond. In other words, the Board’s role would align with one of the basic purposes of Property Restrictions, which is to ensure that residents can use and enjoy their property without interfering with their neighbors’ ability to use and enjoy their property. Any other action the Board may consider pertaining to either shared or common area ponds would only appear in the form of a proposal to the community that conforms both to the guidelines set forth in the Tonkawa Springs Bylaws, and any pertinent state laws concerning water property rights. In any case, these proposed Property Restrictions do not impose (or imply imposing) any new easements on any property owner. Neither do they invite encroachment on any private property, and in fact are written to help prevent such.

Please don’t forget to vote for the Deed Restrictions by Sunday, October 2 at 7:00pm CST! Vote at

or via ballot.

Also, join us this evening at 6:00pm for Flamingo Friday.