Halloween in the Park

Halloween in the Park

Make plans to attend our annual Halloween celebration in the park on Tuesday October 31st at 5 pm to kick off “Trick or Treating”.

We will serve hot dogs and chips!

There will be a Costume Contest!

Friends of the Pond

Friends of the Pond

Many thanks to all who participated in the Pond and Dam discussion and vote at our Special Meeting last night, and preceding vote this past week!

The Officers of the TSHOA Board are pleased to announce that with 177 votes cast, both HOA funding measures passed; 61% in favor its share of the Pond Remediation Plan, and 63% in favor of repairing the spillway on HOA property.

This decision confirms our neighborhood’s commitment to maintaining healthy ponds, and allows “Friends Of The Pond” to continue its efforts at remediation, and Robert Abbott’s company Remediators LLC to begin work immediately on the spillway. We are very grateful for this commitment, and thank all who had an ongoing role in developing this initiative. GIVE TO POND 3! As mentioned, the dam at the back of Pond #3 (east of the Tonkawa Trail bridge) is broken and in desperate need of repair as well! Repairs on this project are still under review, but because it sits on private property, the HOA has no ability to fund its repair. The budget for such is estimated to be around $25,000, far more than any single or even small group of homeowners can afford. Therefore, a funding portal has been set up through the non-profit “Friends Of The Pond” to allow the entire community to contribute in the same spirit of generosity shown in the HOA initiative. Please give early and often!


Thank you!

Larry Jolly  President, TSHOA

Special Meeting September 18th, 2023 at 6 pm at the Tennis Courts

Special Meeting September 18th, 2023 at 6 pm at the Tennis Courts

Dear Neighbor,

The TSHOA board is hosting a special meeting and vote on the items below. Meeting details are:

Date: Monday, September 18, 2023
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Tennis Courts

This will be a community-wide event to discuss two proposals and answer any
questions related to the proposals. There will be a single ballot with 2 items, one for the Dam Repair proposal, and one for Pond Remediation proposal. Each ballot item has options to approve, disapprove, or abstain.

There are three ways to vote:

 Vote online using https://forms.gle/kzbRp1gNRg6G5Xbq7 before 3:00 pm on 18 September 2023 or
 Drop off a paper ballot at Secretary’s residence (Tom Trefny, 1704 Still Meadow Cove) before 5:00 pm on 18 September 2023, or
 Submit a paper ballot at the meeting

All votes will be tabulated and a decision will be communicated by the end of the
meeting on 18 September 2023. A copy of the informational letter and ballot is attached and will also be available at the special meeting.

Call for 2024 Nominations

Call for 2024 Nominations for the 2024 TSHOA

Board of Directors and Committee Membership

The Tonkawa Springs Homeowners Association Board of Directors has had a busy and productive year. It’s hard to believe that it is time to begin planning the slate of candidates for the 2024 Board of Directors. TSHOA Board is made up of 11 positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and seven Directors.

Are you interested in volunteering and making a difference in your neighborhood? Perhaps you have an idea about how to improve upon the beauty of Tonkawa Springs? Maybe you have a talent or skill that you would like to share with your neighbors? Or maybe, you just want to meet some new folks? If so, we encourage you to download, print and fill out the Interest Form below.

Once filled out, please mail or email it by Friday September 29th to:

Cheyenne Jordan, Community Manager

c/o Goodwin Management

11950 Jollyville Rd

Austin, TX 78759


Flamingo Friday August 4th, 2023

Flamingo Friday August 4th, 2023

Make plans to attend our next TSHOA Flamingo Friday on August 4th at 6pm in the Commons area. Bring a chair, your favorite icy beverage, and a snack to share.

We hope you will join us!

– The Social Committee

Flamingo Friday June 2nd, 2023

Flamingo Friday June 2nd, 2023

Hi Neighbors!

Friday June 2nd, 2023 at 6 pm is our Flamingo Friday!

Run on down to the North End of Possum Trot and join us!

Remember to bring a chair, you favorite beverage and another neighbor

-The Social Committee