Annual Membership Meeting

Annual Membership Meeting Wednesday October 25th, 2023


The 2023 Tonkawa Springs annual members meeting will be held Wednesday, October 25 at the TSHOA Tennis Courts at 5:30pm. Please bring a chair if you plan to attend.

Information packet attached to this announcement includes Annual Members Meeting Agenda, Election Ballot, 2022 Annual Members Meeting Minutes and 2024 Budget. Please review the entire packet and all information carefully.

The ballot includes the following items: Approval of the 2022 General Meeting Minutes and election of 2024 Officers and Directors of the Board. There are several candidates to choose from and there is an effort underway to provide a brief summary of each candidate next week. Please remember that 2 ballot votes may be cast per lot. See the ballots for additional instructions. Ballots may be submitted online at Electronic ballot or dropped in the ballot box on the front porch of 1704 Still Meadow CV or submitted at the meeting. Electronic Ballots must be received by 3:00pm on October 25. Drop-box ballots are due by 5:00pm and ballots at meeting are due by 5:45pm. Ballots will be tabulated by our management company, Goodwin & Company, during the meeting. No nominations from the floor will be accepted. Election results will be announced after the ballots are tabulated.

As per bylaws (since 2020), Article II. Section 2., business transacted at the annual meeting will be limited to items set forth in the annual meeting notice. Please note that a quorum of 20% of all votes (57 votes) is needed.

We know this is a lot of information to process and review. If you have any questions, please reach out to Any additional information available on TownSq or

Thank you for your review. Please vote. It’s the people in this neighborhood that make the difference and your vote matters!


2023 TSHOA Board