Deed Restriction Voting Results
Thank you to those of you that took the time to cast your vote on the proposed Deed Restrictions. The proposed Deed Restrictions failed to pass for all four Tonkawa Springs neighborhoods. Here’s a brief summary by neighborhood.
Tonkawa Lake – 4 of the 6 (66.67%) Lots cast at least one vote – 2 votes FOR, 6 votes AGAINST
Tonkawa Springs – 36 of the 46 (78.26%) Lots cast at least one vote – 33 votes FOR, 39 votes AGAINST
Tonkawa Village – 29 of the 36 (80.56%) Lots cast at least one vote – 12 votes FOR, 46 votes AGAINST
Tonkawa Village 2 – 38 of the 53 (71.70%) Lots cast at least one vote – 40 votes FOR, 33 votes AGAINST*
*Current TSHOA governing documents require 51% of the Lots per neighborhood (except Tonkawa Lake, requiring 100%) to vote FOR. While the majority of Tonkawa Village 2 voted FOR the proposed deed restrictions, it had less than the required 27 Lots vote FOR.
-TSHOA Board of Directors